Board Meeting Notes — 9/13/16

— Chris & Cloie–what we gonna do?
— Set up individual meeting times–either W 12:30-2:30, F 11-1 or 3-5
— Getting a head start on the pledge drive
— Theme? T-shirt design, PSAs, me & Bens (& Beth) should prolly write stuff
— WESU app–who wants to follow-up on this?
— SoundCloud acct–who wants to manage this, create some standards, etc.?
– Program should be going next week! We do not have anything for the other side right now. If anyone has anything in the next week, we’ll add it–if not, we can just print one-sided.
– DB will be shooting a staff photo next weekend. He is proposing the idea of holding something that resembles their radio shows. He is talking about individual pictures that we could maybe add to the website. Maybe adding staff bios to the website? We will send an email out about this
– Michelle might be having a problem getting into the email (we should ask her?) Will send everyone the WordPress contact info and make everyone a FB admin. Also ask Ben M for how to access the HTML wordpress stuff!
– She will post on the website/FB page about the new fall season
– Press release is written, has edits, and she will send it out to the new group of people
– Everyone put in requests!
– Reducing service hours? It might be a waste of time for everyone. Bryan proposes that we just make a resolution this season to credit everyone 2 service hours to test it out this semester.
– Should trainees still do four hours? We could assign specific service hours to trainees rather than just encouraging it. We could still trainees to a concrete list of stuff.
– Last semester, a lot of people did not do their service hours or it just wasn’t recorded.
– Coming to an agreement that reducing the service hours to 2 for the semester and giving specific tasks for trainees and making them do 4.
– Fundraising dinner in Middletown (might be a 21+ event unfortunately–let’s shoot for November!) Maybe we could shoot for a rooftop event/block party event in the spring.
– Formalized relationships with local businesses. Bryan will send out an email shortly. Getting businesses to donate for either tax exemption or underwriting (bare minimum being $50)
– Promotion of local non-profit organizations
– Status of WESU ticket give-aways. Wants to work with Manic Productions, etc. and set up a formal process as opposed to just DJs deciding for themselves. We could do this on the website or FB page
– We need to create an email for this position
Argus Collaborations:
– Beth is meeting with the Argus soon. It would be really cool to have a column. We can put in ads to the Argus (record fair/spring press release). We are their neighbors and should totally communicate with them.
– This is not production related, but it’s the 10 yr anniversary of MYRP in the Spring, can we do a MYRP T-shirt this year? Ideally with drawings by the kids! More pledge-drive MYRP themed stuff
– Also – is new Audition on every computer? Didn’t see in Studio B
Record fair:
– Michelle isn’t here but we need to talk through all this stuff (making a press release/PSA/promo stuff)
– Michelle should reserve the table
– Student group fair from 1-5pm! Everyone sign up! Julia will be in contact with Michelle about setting all this up
Training info session on Sunday, Sept 18? Does that day work for Abby/Ben G?
Starting training on Thursday, Sept. 29 @7pm and Sunday Oct. 2 @ 3pm
Pledge drive:
– We are trying to start this earlier
– We should start making promos for this–everyone make a promo! Everyone have a promo made for 9/27
– Lara already has a huge list of promos that they can play
– Think about a T-shirt design for all this
– What about the retro baby ideas? Would this sell?
– We should figure this out next week