Board Meeting Notes–4/25/17

WESU Board Meeting — 4/25/17
9/11 WUC:

  • Finalizing plan moving forward, hoping to reach a compromise and work together on this
  • Introducing the guests is a big problem for people on the board. People want the show to recognize its complicity in the guests’ more controversial opinions and thoughts. We definitely owe C an email asap!
  • Concern about promising a show spot to C and then not being able to grant it to her. Concerned about someone needing to add or not add that show at the given point in time. Solution to give C our concerns and invite her to do training. She can reapply once that’s over, and the show will be reviewed again hoping to see a demonstrated change in the show/an acknowledgement of concerns. 
  • Making it clear that it’s a new show application and we’d be treating it as such with a new show and making a conscious effort to treat this show fairly
  •  Determining this would be the job of the Program Director’s job and also Public Affairs Director, but would go to the board if there’s disagreement. Ultimately then would be up to next year’s board of directors.
  • Important to frame board’s thoughts as concerns rather than stipulations–avoiding a checklist of stuff for the show to do because we are not interested in controlling the show.
  • This should also lead to us creating long-term public affairs codes for the coming years. Important to look at long-term solutions to problems such as this.
  • Hadley and Ben G. working on a concern document and we’ll send it to the rest of the board before next week’s meeting
  • What will be the training timeline? Not looking for reintroduction into the summer program. Maybe better to have her train in the fall so that there can be a conversation about the show application if need be. And it would be beneficial for her to go through an official training in the fall with community members.

The Mash:

  • This event is happening in the fall, and HN wants to collaborate with WESU
  • He might also just want our name on the event.
  • The only thing is that we can’t stream from a business because it’s a commercial incentive.
  • Wyatt will invite him to next week’s meeting!

Staff Meeting:

  • Not this weekend but the following weekend.
  • We need people to run for the board!
  • The deadline for letters of intent is one week before the meeting.
  • Abby will send out an email to the staff letting people know about board meeting election. Send an email roundup!

Pledge Drive:

  • Pledge drive promos are in there says Lara!
  • Pledge drive promo contest happening now–they are due two weeks from today!

R&C Event:

  • People want to do a senior week event. Beth will send Ben M who wants to stay and what the event is. Beth will also get it registered!


  • There are tests on the board room table. 20 people did not show up to take the written exam! People will be coming to board hours. Put them in her mailbox when you’re done.


  • Father John Misty sent a station ID–wow!
  • Helly will forward to the board!