March 25, 2013

reunion and commencement, MB working on it
wesfest, check in with izzy
cfcp reunion, april something, come with ben!?
75th web page in progress
organize the 75th anniversary PSAs
staff meeting in two weekends… thinking about board positions next year
hiccups with archive system—noted
record fair this sunday—come by, izzy has most things figured, danielle is posting on wesleying, need more volunteers—contact izzy—especially for the end of the day, Facebook posting-on the event page. new psa
DB is happening this week, HR is coordinating
break programing glitchy, think of new ideas for the long term, new ideas maybe for the last staff meeting, thinking about structuring service hours, who is keeping track—thank people who have prerecorded at the next staff meeting
hella new music being donated—maybe from queens