Staff Meeting 04-07-13
Thanks to everyone for helping out at the Record Fair, it went really well. More vendors than before, and more money than before! Major props to L and M, and thanks to CL for the van, and others who lent vehicles.
Zammuto show was fantastic, thanks for helping and coming out.
Boldy James show next weekend in the WestCo Courtyard, should be really cool! Outdoor and at night! Renegade! Friday, 9:30 – 11:30.
Postering help needed this week. If you are interested, email events[at]wesufm[dot]org for the files.
Dark Star: A Psychedelic Lecture – 8pm Tuesday, April 30th, look out for an awesome promo. Guarenteed to blow your mind.
Remember to talk up the events on air.
Revisions to the Code of Conduct are done, the final version has gone out, let us know if you have any concerns.
There is one new section (12), at the very end. List of different types of incidents and who to call. If you are interacting with kids, policy for reporting suspected child abuse. There will be a specific training for people who work regularly with kids. It will also be up in the studio on the bulletin board, and will eventually be on the website.
Training – Before the next staff meeting (May the 4th (be with you!)) is Tips and Tricks, panel discussion of DJs for the new trainees. Email personnel[ar]wesufm[dot] if you want to be on the panel.
WesFest Activities fair – We have a table to talk up WESU to prefrosh, email kcohen[at]wesleyan[dot]edu if you want to take an hour long shift.
Facebook – the smaller WESU page is being deleted, a message will go out saying to switch to the larger one. Email vtaylor[at]weselyan[dot]edu.
Board Elections are coming up, at the next board meeting. To declare candidacy, you need to post a letter of intent on the bulletin board at the station saying what you are running for. Do this 2 weeks before the final meeting. If you have questions about what any of the positions entail, email the board member concerned.
Megapolis – 19th -12th, M and A will be presenting, tickets still available, and there are opportunities to volunteer in exchange for a free pass. Contact Avery if you are thinking of going.
Pledge Drive – Non-Traditional pledge drive, less on-air pitching, more mailings. We have cool packets. Mention donations on air, take a few packets to give out. Hopefully each DJ can get at least 3 people to pledge, or work with Ben to figure out an appropriate goal and a plan to make it happen. Thinking of new creative ways to get donations.
Thanks to CL, we have money to put two ads in the Hartford Advocate to thank people for voting for us and ask for donations.
Ice Cream Social for the final meeting of the season (but you have to earn us some money to buy ice cream!)
May 11th – Middletown Remix festival on Main St. should be fun. There will be a PSA about it soon.
Idea to end the year with a WESU version of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me/Prairie Home Companion. One hour live show, with professors, DJs, music. Contact the board with ideas.