Board Meeting Notes 05-14-13

Welcome, new board!
Somebody download FSRN! Maybe we should put in an alarm to remind us.
Reunion/Commencement Open House – We heard from some alums who are coming, so it’s probably in the agenda. VT will check up on food. 2-5 pm, Friday.
Next year, the 75th Anniversary should be an opportunity for a lot of cool archival stuff.
J & R situation – AT and BM are working on it.
Music Purchasing budget – definitely money for CMJ passes, and to dole out to other sub-MDs, JB and AW will try to work with new music directors to figure out specifics with Ben, reach out to people in the past who had suggestions.
Summer Program – AD still needs to hear from a couple of people but it’s coming into place and will be done this weekend.  VT and BM will talk about the guide, probably a fairly simple one sided thing to mail out.
Training  – people still scrambling to get service hours and testing done. Preference is to insist that trainees get all their requirements done before they take the test. Make sure newly qualified DJs get info about summer apps, so they don’t miss out. Come up with an email to send out to them with summer info, instructions for door code, spinitron.
Pledge Drive – $7602! Thanks for everyone who donated! Send your packets if you haven’t. Ben will send out a staff update to remind people that it really is on them to reach out to people they know for donations. Ben has been putting up daily facebook posts, we should all work our social media! AW put out the Wesleying post. Still a few email campaigns to work. Service hour project: fixing up the alumni email list. Overall, new model has some pros and cons, allows the work to be spread over a couple of weeks which is nice. Ben will rethink this summer to come up with an intermediate model. Maybe start off each season with a slow pledge drive, moving into phone banks a couple of months in. Ben will be putting together a few strategic phone banks in the next couple of weeks.
AT responded to our fan mail from Tai Pei!
Review! – We had some great events, with our lecture series and our concert series. Maybe let’s scale it back a little next year, cause that was really intense. Fewer events also means more focus ability to promote outside Wesleyan. Meet early to get public access to events. The live show was a fun idea we didn’t get to do, so hopefully next year. Avery has some contacts for lectures potentially. Potential partnership with SHOFCO recording children’s books, possible link in with Middletown Youth Radio, and other community engagement projects.
We did a lot of conferences this year. We have contacts at Barnard and SUNY New Palz. We went to IBS (run a workshop next year), Megapolis, CMJ, keep your eyes peeled for other cool events like that. Mickey and Issy got press passes for SXSW, you could do that in the future! Or we could make our own renegade press passes, says VT. Bring stickers.
Show Reviews next year – giving people feedback on their show.
Keep up the monthly DJ spotlight.
75th Anniversary! So much cool stuff we could do. We are still in touch with our founder, he is so old! We could a film project, all kind of stuff.
Need to be better at putting people’s individual skills to work in service hours, encourage people to think of how they personally could help.
LB is getting started on the new shelving. He is the man.
Student Forum on radio documentaries in the fall. Students might want to take the forum, or otherwise collaborate. Possibly might be open to community volunteers also.
The Administration is interested in ways the station might tie into academics.