PR: -Hartford Advocate Readers’ Poll: promo will be made with a follow-up all-staff email to publicize it. -Renaming the Art Mafia: “think pod”???? …“team” also works. -zine: once a semester or once a quarter, rather than once a month, to…
Tentative Board Hours Schedule: Monday: Ben G., Laura, Tess (?) Tuesday: Zach, Ethan H. (?) Wednesday: Abby, Ethan O. Thursday: Danielle, Becca Friday: David, Mizael Program: EO is in touch with late-night shows about transitioning into automated programming. -Program guide is about…
**Thanks to BG for taking notes at this meeting!** Ben M: – Please sign the attendance sheet – Hope everyone had a great break, thanks to volunteers for ensuring that we have enough live programming – welcome back and Happy New…
Not the full board, but at least we sort of pulled it together! In attendance: Danielle, Becca, Abby, Mizael, David, Laura, Ethan, Zach Goals for the Semester: Abby: -podcast by AR and other Wesleyan alumni – possibly post on website.…
Open Meeting (DP) Welcome to our final meeting of the semester/fall season! Google Group (BS) Due to continued problems without staff list serve, we are going to migrate to a google group. This will be more reliable and keep an…