Board Notes 12/2/14

All staff meeting email reminder and agenda needed All staff email issues – move to Google group? -needs to be not open to the public -setting so anyone on the list can send an email to the group. -MR will set up…

Board Notes 11/19/14

Events: Freakers Ball: ticket sales are subpar so far. everyone on the board should commit to selling at least 5 tickets directly tonight -final push tomorrow (Thursday) at lunch -strategic comp tickets for people who will definitely bring other people/get others to…

Board Notes 11/12/14

EVENTS: Freakers Ball: the board will cover the rest of the volunteer slots. -Facebook event: invite everyone at once as soon as it’s publicized. -decorating! (Tess/Art Mafia) -winner of the dance-off will blow out the candles of a WESU birthday cake…

Board Notes 11/5/14

Training: Sundays at 3, Wednesdays at 8 -next time: public affairs -at least 10 shows offered to host interns so far. Program: EO will send out an email during board hours tomorrow, and a follow-up with all the open slots. -Reggae block missed…

Board Notes 10/22/14

Program: HM missed show: extra service hours aimed at pledge drive Food donations? – it’s been a bad year for many of the resturants but we’ll keep searching. Record Fair: fliers, volunteers Training: First training will be Nov. 2: twice a…