Board Hours This Semester: (Always 4-6pm in the WESU board room) Monday: Helly, Ruth, Carina Tuesday: Rachel, Dillon Wednesday: Meg, Tallulah Thursday: Jake, Will Friday: Babe, Beth Board Meeting Time: Mondays at 5pm! (email if you’d like to stop by — always open to staff unless noted otherwise) Mass student PSA recordings this weekend –…
pledge: tally = 4583 in 20417 to go – New Shirts should be in for the Laboca event next Thursday – is any board member attending or helping bryan? – 90 % of the Mailing will go out tomorrow to…
Beth: Transition issues Multiple people approached at board meeting Email chain Meg: Community volunteers have tighter personal schedules and wanting to get in there on time is valid Ben: two issues in 15 years, some of these very people…
Beth/President: 80th anniversary committee – email me if you want to be in the loop about future meetings Pledge drive! – tshirt design of the cards Board is going to do our promo contest — record some promos for it!…
Ben: Jason unearthed old free-form ideology documents Pledge Drive Additional money coming from CCP — our budget from them has been increased by 10k November 11th – opportunity to have a staff meeting, pledge form, press release Can we get…