The debut by Nas, a very Americana-esque album by the Grateful Dead, a foray into psychedelia by the Beatles, a song cycle by XTC, and Brian Wilson’s all-killer/no-filler LP are our favorite albums for today. At 5:00 PM tonight, Rob of Chocolate Cake will be featuring many of our Favorite Albums on air – tune in!
The 1970’s dominate another day, with The Who making a double appearance alongside Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder, and more!
The Wu-Tang Clan debuts, Paul Simon revitalizes his career, Mad Lib and MF Doom turn to pure villainy, and Fiona Apple wins 2020 in today’s favorite albums.
Today should be called “70’s Rock Day” in honor of the many classic rock and/or roll albums that make up our favorite entries this Tuesday.
The “greatest selling album of all time” makes it onto our list alongside some fantastic debut albums.