WESU and Rob DeRosa, host of our local music show, Homegrown, have been nominated in the 2013 Hartford Advocate Reader Poll! Please support us by voting for WESU in the “College Radio” categories and for Robbie DeRosa as “Best Radio…
Rocking the new WESU Bumper Sticker!
Before they released any albums or gained the international acclaim they currently hold, the founding members of Tinariwen spent several years training in a Libyan military training camp. They then fought in a Touareg rebellion against the governments of Mali…
Current Wesleyan senior, “mysterious beatician hailing from Eugene, OR” and occupant of the room beside mine, Shloggfather has cultivated a unique sonic palette/soft palate over the years. I sat down at my computer and gchatted with him while he made…
With nearly 75 years of community radio under our belt, 88.1 FM WESU continues to offer an integral community service to an ever-growing group of stakeholders. The important service WESU provides is made possible by the hard work and dedication…