2/14 Board Meeting
-our volunteer tech director has pulled out. oops
mailing premiums
-standard premiums are sent
-still sorting special one
board updates
sorting out money for sub mds
-purchased some stuff
-weekly wesleying post
-maybe look into wesu account
-promos and training
-posting on the website
tech director
-working on being a tech director
sec next week
-correspondence about folk controversy
-getting volunteers to run training
–will send out another solicitation
-new programs in place
-website update
-talking to SALD about record fair
-jive and public file
-creating website for both
program note
-program guide design is being worked on
-back to single side design
dealing with personnel stuff
-subs and people in good standing
SAM will deal with keys for ben and adam
IBS conference
-A send out staff email to see who’s interested in going
possible reattribution of new music budget for shelving
gaps in personnel file
how does someone who already passed but stop applying for a show get back in good standing?
in this case, perform adequate service hours
-formal request made for AB to be a guest on Kitschfork radio every sunday
–seconded and passed
personnel add to staff list
potential idea for awards show
-possible programming idea for all staff
“best song idea” (if you don’t know what I’m referring to just talk to me)