2-28 board meeting 2-28 board meeting 2-28 Board Meeting

-put together premiums! finally! it took forever!
-passed a trainee
-updated station id list
-going through automation computer and sorting out what can be archived
-SALD gave us $100 for record fair, going to SBC next
-talked about an event at vinnie’s jump and jive
–maybe after the last staff meeting
–still being discussed
-training emails went out
–this sunday is first session
-staff email about interns, will reiterate at staff meeting
-did some work on the blog, sending out additional info to training volunteers
-verbal confirmation on wesleying account, waiting for it to happen
-started working on record fair flyer
-request for advertising on monitors in usdan
-got word back from sbc, wasn’t so good
–working on a response, asking for an explanation of lack of funding
Staff meeting this weekend!
-show rory’s documentary
–he will come introduce it
-elect tech director
-discuss record fair
-pledge drive
-MEI? perhaps
-spring break policy
-internship training policy
-alert people of incoming elections
-staff social organization
-call for promos
spinitron schedule
-fix it yo (mds/program)
Spring break programming
-send email to staff (program)
Personnel issues
-GA and MC have alternating talk and music show and have been having
issues in regards to coverage
-we’re hoping that they will settle things without the board’s help,
but will address this if necessary
meeting with CCP
-GM discusses potential for us to move into that department
–along with other groups like green street, tutoring etc
their movement to be an “engaged” community fits with our profile
waiting for a followup and will continue to explore this opportunity
WSHU pledge drive began today