Last Weeks Notes

Training starts Sunday March 2nd (BS can you send a final schedule)
               -BS can you send a final schedule?
Student group activities fair??? What’s the deal?
-Mary can register us
-Mary 1-2, Katherine 2-3
-Mary should get materials together (BS will make google doc)
HR give KC Public Affairs email list
Map out pledge drive time frame? Start up in April? Goal? Maybe 15K?? We nearly hit that this past fall… Packets??? When to get them out? What’s the angle?
-separate things?
-same goal as the winter ($13,000)
-packets (extra efforts)
-went out too late, send them earlier
-hand out packets
-mini version of packets before spring break (talk about it at staff meeting at least)-a flyer (VT)
-packets by April staff meeting
-angle: could it be 75th? Pledge drive on air
*maybe not make block sign-up sheets
Staff resource page ( per suggestion last week..  Who can do this? WP savvy..? NB WILL TRY
Clean up outdated shows on stream rewind? There are many shows listed that ar no longer on air. Can Hannah cross reference? Ben can then double check list and then maybe NB can delete?
Record fair: Flyer???
 Need to print and send to venue list (Ben has list and can print labels). Need to send Rec Fair info to SS to get listed on Middletown’s website  and in the City Arts calendar for March.  Can we get it printed in Argus and how do we get the fair promoted on Wesleying?
Bryan’s Swedish Friend’s Label’s band Like Swimming (former members of “You Say France and I Whistle”) did anyone even respond to Bryan?
*Izzy will communicate with Bryan
Program guide – Now 2 sided – Show titles/times on front – descriptions on back  -VT was up at archive checking on vintage pics this afternoon.
75 years of” radio show needs our input big time. According to BS here are the latest stats:
 WESU and Wesleyan Related Musicians: 10 songs suggested by 3 people.
Poetry – 5 Pieces suggested by 2 people.
African-American Musicians –  songs suggested by 1 person
The board should step up and help make sure this is a success  by making suggestions and figuring out how to promote it right. For starters, let’s include it in daily face book posts. Ben will make a pitch in his forth coming update email.  We can also keep talking about it at the meetings. There’s still time to pull it together. March is supposed to be fine in terms of suggestions..
75th anniversary
Promos (all) We need a bunch of new promos announcing this landmark occasion! We can certainly offer service hours to staff as well. Contest???
Website needs 75th anniversary landing page  Who can do?
Danielle’s Press release pretty much ready to go: this can be sent to Middletown Eye, The Middletown Press,  The Record Journal,  the Argus (Weslying?). no more patch, The Connection, Wesleyan Community blog etc, brain storm any other pertinent places? FB? WESU Website…
This press release can also be worked into Mary’s upcoming Letter to all alumni that will include a survey about commencement reunion events and a gala event for home coming 2014? Need to find ou which of our alumni are celebrating reunions this year…  ben will also use it in his pledge drive communications.
75 Events:
 Oldies concert update: Ben is reviewing band and pricing info suggestions from Oldies staff and supporters.  Thinking early April. Trying to come up with a proposal for the board ASAP.
IZZY/Mary Event Concept: >>>
-air WESU around campus
-ask Usdan to play it
-put secret radios around campus
-special programming?
*student bands, alumni, OR community members call in and a stage on campus where people can play
-culminate in concert at psi u (ticketed)
-it needs to be good programming! (2 hours)
-during WesFest?
-hire the Ride (already driving around campus)
-Izzy talk to Psi U
*WESU bands
-music from bands at Wesleyan/WESU, rebroadcast Wild Wild Live
Offshoot >>>> Gorilla Radio?  setup  phone line for listeners to call in to rant, Thanks/talk about WESU,  /announce something etc, . Those can be edited and broadcast as Gorilla radio. Also, We could have a campaign to collect used radios, slap a WESU sticker on them and plant them around campus and town…. Perhaps permanently tuning them to WESU? Scavenger hunt??