Board Notes 10/8/14

Info session scheduled for tomorrow, will see what people’s more specific interests/needs are regarding production.
RECORD FAIR: Need all hands on deck. People tabling at all times; setup, packing up.
-we’ve sold almost all the tables to vendors, which is cool.
-Lee has a timetable for when we need people to help.
-DW will send out an all-staff email to get people to sign up to help out.
-flyer says 55 Wyllys Avenue (where the fair actually is) as opposed to 45 Wyllys (which has been a typo on posters for years).           Should we change it back to the typo to avoid confusing people? -NO.
-flyers to put up on Main Street.
-PR: press release
DULL TOOLS SHOWCASE: capacity of Zelnick is 60 people. should be a cool show and won’t seem that small in that space.
-can anyone help get food for the artists?
-Art Mafia posters
-night after fall break: will have to be promoted by the end of next week. (poster by next meeting?)
75th ANNIVERSARY PARTY at Eclectic: we have the money for the artist, the artist himself, and the date at Eclectic.(11/20/14) We just need confirmation.
-competitive element involving dance?
-Thursday night events have to end at midnight.
-ticketed event
Open house during Homecoming: we’ll choose a few hours to keep the station open to alumni. LW will be here that Saturday; Becca will be here all weekend
Pledge Drive:
-people still like offering the different options for raising money (i.e., certain amount of donations, certain dollar amount, or equivalent in merch)
-sending out emails to see what people think their individual goal should be? – people might not follow up with this.
-consensus: minimum of 3 donations per staff member.
-incentive of T-shirts/hoodies: high dollar amounts earn a prize.
-putting a board up to track progress? – a Great Sticker Debate ensues.
-Program guide is done! will (hopefully) go to the printer tomorrow.
-ER: had forgotten whether his show was followed by a live DJ or automation. could have checked the schedule, plus EO had sent him an email about automation.
-consequence: more service hours. working sound for the record fair. (9-11 AM)
-alternating programming: sending out an email at the beginning of each month would be helpful.
-LW gets a sticker punishment for missing a show.
-ANR: hasn’t been reserving Studio B ahead of time.