Board Notes 2/5/15

Tentative Board Hours Schedule:
Monday: Ben G., Laura, Tess (?)
Tuesday: Zach, Ethan H. (?)
Wednesday: Abby, Ethan O.
Thursday: Danielle, Becca
Friday: David, Mizael
Program: EO is in touch with late-night shows about transitioning into automated programming.
-Program guide is about to be printed!
Events: Record Fair 3/28/15, DW hasn’t heard from LB
Tech: MR will work on installing new security system.
Personnel: update staff list, figuring out who exactly finished training
-aiming to start DJ training at the end of February.
-low meeting attendance and service hour fulfillment
-send out an email before the next staff meeting: guidelines for completing service hours and meeting attendance.
-checkpoint: 2 service hours by March 6. Start telling people that now. Ben G. will email everyone about this.
MDs (Zach): getting the blog off the ground in both print and podcast format.
-core committee of music people
-better organize the music at the station
-delegate music organization during board hours
-we have money to buy music!
-making sure that people are playing 5 new releases per hour: service hour opportunity for checking Spinitron? ZE will see how EH did this last year.
Podcasting platform: where/how to post things? Soundcloud is one possibility. also look into
-collaborating with other groups on campus: ANR, film department movie reviewing group, RedFeather
-ongoing schedule of production: some want a more consistent schedule (esp. CVs), maybe have a more spread out schedule for students.
-will they remain online forever or just for two weeks?
-who will review the material?
-adhering to FCC guidelines
-groups of 5-6 people for certain kinds of shows
The new people will hereby be known as Production Staff!
Public affairs: we have the opportunity to upload shows to the Pacifica network.
-Sprouts: weekly grassroots show. We could have a contest to determine which Public Affairs show to submit.
-streaming CFA shows: Ben M. will give Laura the contacts of people at the CFA.
-LW and EO will talk about which shows to submit.
Automation: any way we can mix up what plays/add more stuff to the automation playlist?
-talk to Rick about how it works
-start producing more evergreen shows for automation, pull up old shows that could be cool to rebroadcast.
Jive at Five: make it more institutionalized/streamlined. Possibly LW can edit it each week. This could be integrated into the Public Affairs Director job.
Hartford Advocate Readers’ Poll: image campaign
Collaborating more with the CFA: regular CFA show broadcasting performances?
College Media Association Conference: seems interesting/valuable, people will check their schedules
Other things: put up a sign in Studio A about how many station IDs, PSAs, and promos are required per hour. (LW)