- Jive at five: if anyone wants production/editing experience, reach out to Ben
- Board meetings will be Monday’s, 5-6 pm
- Board hours, 4-6
- Breakdown
- Monday: Leith, Sam, Gina
- Tuesday: Jen
- Wednesday: Dylan (Moore), Luke
- Thursday: Victoria, Carina, Cormac
- Friday: Dillon, Amy
- General duties
- include: checking the board email, phone messages; sometimes there’s also active social media posts that we coordinate.
- We should come up with a list of things to be done
- Also a time to be here for other staff members; think of them as parts of/extensions of your own departments and not get bogged down in every detail
- Club day is this week, 2-5
- Need to go from 12:30 – 1:30 to pick up table number from Usdan
- Need 2-3 people to staff the table; can be in shifts
- Dillon, Victoria, Gina, Carina can all be there
- Sometimes have had old programs, CD’s, merch, etc.
- Show people the website, can stream also
- We might want to discuss changing when training starts; should also have exec meeting to discuss possible changes in training
- Leith and Carina will discuss getting everyone into their respective director emails
- We should discuss standardizing it a bit more so that everyone’s emails come from the @wesufm.org domain
- Record fair
- Usually have it in October, but not feasible this year
- Now looking at Nov 17th – only real possible date for us; gives us plenty of time to promote it too
- 11 am – 4 pm
- Dylan will confirm it
- We should also book for spring record fair
- Last year it was April 6th
- In the spring we have to do it on a Saturday
- Dylan will look into confirming April 4th, 2020 for the spring one
- First staff meeting this Sunday
- Meeting is at 6 in pac 001
- Board members should show up 10-15 min early
- Everyone should share their names, positions, job descriptions, board hours; goals, ideas, etc.
- First staff meeting is usually housekeeping stuff, updates about summer
- We should discuss how to make board meetings more efficient/relevant
- Someone should come up with the basic outline
- 80th anniversary update
- Going into the second part of our 80th anniversary celebration
- We have a grant from CFA
- Want to work on getting attendance up at our events
- Argus might be willing to help us advertise
- Amy wants to use Instagram a lot for this
- Bobbito (Wes alum) coming to campus this fall for a film screening; we might be able to tag team & connect with 80th anniversary
Published by Carina Rosenbach